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E n t e r t a i n m e n t   &   E d u c a t i o n 

T h r o u g h   P e r f o r m i n g   A r t s

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Our mission is to provide quality entertainment through live stage performances utilizing local talent and to foster theater skills.  The group was founded to revive local theater that is produced and performed by the residents of our small town. “The Butler Did It”, our debut play, opened at the LCHS auditorium in August 2013. The show was a smash. After impressive audience responses---the wheels were set in motion to produce future plays.


Generous sponsors began by providing opportunity for our wonderful talented directors, producers and actors to present two plays, annually. The Players are now producing three plays a year as well as other seasonal events, such as a fundraiser, 'Eureka's Got Talent' and the annual historical Cemetery Storytelling Tours. ​

B o a r d   o f   D i r e c t o r s
John LaBonty, President
Adrian Miller, Vice President
Danica Cate, Secretary
Lisa Priller, Treasurer
Kelley Comstock, Community Member

Andy Hanson, Chair: Theater Committee
Ethel White, Chair: Membership Committee
Sharon LaBonty, Chair: Publicity Committee
Margaret Lambie, Chair: Grant Committee
Open, Chair: Fundraising Committee
Speak to any board member to volunteer.
email us.
V o l u n t e e r s
There are many ways to participate:
Lighting Director
Music Director & Musicians
Stage Crew & Prop Master
Set up & tear down 
Sell tickets
Promote performances
AV Support
Serve on a committee
and more!
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